Guided by Truth

I am guided by Truth. Or at least that is what I am telling myself these days and am doing my best to live in my actions. I try to pause, look around, ask what is happening, who is it happening to, how does it feel, what am I telling myself that it means, what does that story make me feel or want to do–also how am I imagining all of that to integrate with my sense of self and my sense of being in the world and of what the world/reality is. Given the answers, I want to see if I can respond in Truth, if I can act from a place of knowing as much as possible and acting on that (instead of acting from fantasy or from what I want to be or who I want to be). Hopefully, a move from Truth will yield better results, or at least ones that can have a result in reality. If acting from fantasy, the result will also be partly enshrouded in fantasy. I want to open to the totality of Truth, in the sense that my view is limited to my eyes, my skin, my ability to perceive chemical traces, my cognitive biases, my culture and upbringing, my place in time/space. Yet, I also have a mouth and can make sound and have ears to listen and skin to feel with and a nose to take in information. I have a heart that beats in recognition and a spirit that communes with subtlety. I can ask ‘what is truth?’ with all of these senses. I can listen when I feel confusion, which will likely be most of the time, and I can wait for an answer, before acting. Sometimes the truth will be visible immediately, and other times, it will be more obscured by story and fantasy, collective or personal. The guiding principle then is not Truth itself, but the yearning toward Truth, towards an alignment with Truth and a personal integrity.


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