Mars Joy Williams

Hello! I'm a communication and relationship coach with a deep passion for helping people connect authentically with themselves and others. With a background in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), I blend these therapeutic approaches with strategies from authentic relating and radical honesty to help clients communicate with clarity and build strong, meaningful relationships.

I also believe that spirituality is a key component of personal growth, which is why I work with clients to cultivate a deeper connection to both spirit and self. Through practices like circling and deep presence exercises, I guide individuals on their journey toward self-discovery and transformation.

As a person who identifies as queer, poly, gender non-coforming, and sex and kink positive, Iā€™m especially excited to work with LGBTQIA+ folx and those in alternative lifestyles and communities.

I studied integral psychology at the California Institute for Integrative Studies, and have also worked in diverse fields, including as a data scientist, writing teacher, and park ranger. These varied experiences shape my coaching style, which fosters a holistic approach to personal and relational development.

Beyond one-on-one coaching, I host circling groups, DBT peer groups, authentic relating events, and circle singing gatherings, all aimed at building supportive, vibrant communities. I truly believe that every individual has inherent beauty and wisdom to share with the world.

My mission as a coach is simple: to help you get in touch with your desires, communicate effectively, build the strong relationships you crave, and express your authentic freedom.

